Regular, thorough twice-annual dental cleanings are essential for your child’s dental health. Our NYC pediatric dentist uses special instruments and procedures to assure sparkling-clean teeth!
Tartar deposits between the teeth are removed with tools that also smooth the tooth surfaces and a paste is placed on the teeth with a hand tool to polish the child’s teeth. Then, a flavored fluoride is applied to the teeth.
Most children enjoy a trip to the dentist when a cleaning is involved. Regular daily flossing minimizes the need for tartar removal, reduces discomfort and results in a shorter visit-something all kids like!
Be sure to schedule your child’s dental check-ups every six months unless Dr. Dikansky instructs otherwise.
As an adult, you are undoubtedly familiar with the concept of tooth polishing: the dentist or dental hygienist polishes your teeth with a small, mechanized rubber cup that contains agritty polishing compound. The taste is usually pleasant and the experience is not uncomfortable. After tooth polishing, your teeth have a smooth, slick feeling and a bit more shine to them than before tooth polishing was performed.
The Purpose of Tooth Polishing
Tooth polishing smoothes the tooth surface, which makes it more difficult for plaque to adhere. It also eliminates surface stains from certain dark-colored juices like grape juice, and other spots on the teeth, such as iron stains.
Dr. Dikansky, our Manhattan pediatric dentist, performs tooth polishing as needed during your child’s six-month visits.
If your child needs the services of a downtown NYC pediatric dentist for routine care, trauma or tooth extraction, please call us at 212-267-0029 to schedule your child’s appointment.